Sport Massage Therapy Designed to Enhance Athletic Performance
Invite Medically Sound Mobile Massage to your next run, bike race, marathon, swim meet, tri-athalon, baseball game, almost any athletic event, taking place in Northeast Wisconsin. Our sport massage will help make the event even more enjoyable. We are based in Appleton, Wisconsin and available for events in this area.
You may wish to review my Hours and Standing Appointments
before you call or Submit an Event Massage Request
Pre-Event Sports Massage
- Duration: 10-15 minute session
- Timing: Done up to 15 minutes prior to an event
- Purpose: Invigorating
- Get blood with oxygen and nutrition to major muscles being used in the event
- Does not replace proper warm-up and stretching
Post-Event Sports Massage
- Duration: 15-20 minute sessions
- Timing: Done no sooner than 30 minutes after the event
- Purpose: Flush and milk metabolic wastes and fluids to aid recovery
- Re-establish proper muscle length through proper stretching